

1. Mandatory Disciplines


Area of Concentration: Water Resources


Integrated Management and Planning in Water Resources (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Conceptualization and analysis of the aspects associated to the administration and management of surface and underground water resources. Law and Administration of water resources. Water resources management tools. National Policy on Water Resources. State Water Resources Policies. Social management of water. Evaluation of water supply and demand. Grant of water use right: concept and applications. Integration of the water resources policy with the environmental and sanitation policy. Models of Participatory Water Management. Geopolitics of waters. Territorial Planning Policies. Water availability and scarcity. Conflicts over water use. The water market. Plans of Hydrographic Basins. Water Resources Plans. Socioeconomic analysis in water systems. Strategic environmental assessment of water systems.


CANALI, G. V.; CORREIA, F. N.; LOBATO, F.; MACHADO, E. S. 2000. Water resources management, Brazilian and European trends and approaches. Porto Alegre: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos – ABRH.

FELICIDADE, N.; MARTINS, R. C.; LEME, A. A. 2004. Uso e gestão dos recursos hídricos no Brasil. São Paulo: RIMA.

GRANZIERA, M. L. M. 2003. Direito de águas: disciplina jurídica das águas doces. São Paulo: Atlas.

HARTMANN, P. 2010. A cobrança pelo uso da água como instrumento econômico na política ambiental: estudo comparativo e avaliação econômica dos modelos de cobrança pelo uso da água bruta propostos e implementados no Brasil. Porto Alegre: AEBA.

LOUCKS, D. P.; VAN BEEK, E. 2005. Water resources systems planning and management - an introduction to methods, models and applications. UNESCO Publishing.

MACHADO, C. J. S. 2004. Gestão de águas doces. São Paulo: Interciência.

MAGALHÃES Jr., A. P. 2007. Indicadores Ambientais e Recursos Hídricos. 1ª Ed. São Paulo: Bertrand Brasil.

MANCUSO, P. C. S. 2003. Reuso de água. São Paulo: Universidade do Estado de São Paulo.

MARTINS, R. C.; VALENCIO, N. F. L. S. 2003. Uso e Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos no Brasil, Volume II, Desafios Teóricos e Político-institucionais. São Carlos: RiMa.

POMPEU, C. T. 2006. Direito de Águas no Brasil. São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais.

RICHTER, C. A. 2009. Água: Métodos e Tecnologia de Tratamento. São Paulo: Editora Blucher.

Secretaria Nacional de Saneamento Ambiental. 2010. Sistema Nacional de Informações sobre Saneamento: diagnóstico dos serviços de água e esgotos 2008. Brasília: MCIDADES.SNSA.

SETTI, A. A.; LIMA, J. E. F. W.; CHAVES, A. G. M.; PEREIRA, I. C. 2001. Introdução ao gerenciamento de recursos hídricos. Brasília: Agência.


Hydrogeology of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Means (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Groundwater movement: homogenous and heterogeneous media. Hydraulic potential. Continuity equation. General equation of the underground flow and flow networks. Geometric and kinematic structural analysis and applications to hydrogeological problems. Structural control of circulation and recharge in hydrogeological systems. Effect of weathering on the permo-porosity of rocks. Models of occurrence of groundwater in sedimentary, crystalline and karstic lands.


CUSTÓDIO e llHAMAS M.R. Hidrologia Subterrânea. 1983.2ª Ed. Barcelona. Omega.

FEITOSA, A. C.; MANOEL FILHO, J.; FEITOSA, E. C.; DEMÉTRIO, J. G. A. 2008. Hidrogeologia: conceitos e aplicações. 3ª Ed. Fortaleza: CPRM.

FOSSEN, H. Geologia estrutural/Haaokon Fossen: tradução de Fábio R.D. de Andrade. 2012. São Paulo: Oficina de Textos.

PASSCHIER, C. W.; TROUW, R. A. J. 2005. Microtectonics. Second Edition. Springer.

PORTO, R. L. 2002. Técnicas quantitativas para o gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos. Porto Alegre: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

NICOLAS. A. 1987. Principles of Rock Deformation. D. Reidel Publ. Company.

RAMSAY, J.G.; HUBER. 1983. The Techniques of Modern Structural Geology. Academic Press Inc. London.

REBOUÇAS, A.C. et. al. 2006. Águas Doces no Brasil. 3Ed. Revisada e ampliada. Escrituras. São Paulo.

SIBSON. R. H. Fault rocks and fault mechanisms. J.Geol. Soc. London. v.133, p. 191-214. 1977.

TWISS, R.J.; MOORES, E. M. 2007. Structural Geology. Second Edition. W. H. Freeman and Company. New York.


Quantitative Hydrology: Flood Measurements and Controls (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Procedures for flow measurements of rivers. Key curve and hydrological regime of rivers. Interpretation of fluviometric data. Factors that determine and control floods in hydrographic elements. Estimation of flood flows (methods: empirical, statistical and through PMP). Measures and interactions between rainfall precipitation, evaporation, infiltration and surface runoff.


NAGHETTINI, M.; PINTO, E. J. A. 2007. Hidrologia Estatística. Rio de Janeiro: CPRM.

PAIVA, J. B. D.; PAIVA, E. M. D. 2003. Hidrologia aplicada à gestão de pequenas bacias hidrográficas. Porto Alegre: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos.

VIEIRA, V. P. P. B. 2005. Análise de Risco em Recursos Hídricos. Porto Alegre: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos – ABRH.

TUCCI, C. E. M. 2007. Inundações Urbana. Porto Alegre: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos – ABRH.


Management and Water Works in Watersheds (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Water management and management tools in watersheds. Watershed diagnostic techniques. General Hydrology. Surface runoff in rivers and canals. Hydrological Functions and Notions of Hydrometry. Management techniques aiming at the multiple use of waters. Hydrological monitoring networks. Component elements of an executive project of water works. Water Allocation System. Dams: types and techniques of construction. Waterways. Ducts. Crossings. Channel shunting. Plumbing. Transposition.


BRAGA, B. 2004. Introdução à engenharia ambiental. Prentice Hall.

BROOKS, K.N.; FFOLLIOTT, P.F.; GREGERSEN, H.M.; DEBANO, L.F. 2003. Hydrology and the management of watersheds. Iowa State Press.

BRUTSAERT, W. 2005. Hydrology: an introduction. Cambridge University Press.

HIDROS – Dimensionamento de sistemas hidroagrícolas. Viçosa: Universidade Federal de Viçosa.

MANCUSO, P. C. S. 2003. Reuso de água. São Paulo: Universidade do Estado de São Paulo.

PRUSKI, F. F. 2006. Conservação de solo e água: práticas mecânicas para o controle da erosão hídrica. Viçosa: Universidade Federal de Viçosa.

PRUSKI, F. F.; SILVA D. D.; TEIXEIRA, A. F.; CECÍLIO, R. A.; SILVA, J. M. A.; GRIEBELER, SILVA, D. D.; PRUSKI, F. F. 2005. Gestão de Recursos Hídricos: aspectos legais, econômicos, administrativos e sociais. Brasília: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos.

TUCCI, C.E.M. 2005. Modelos Hidrológicos. Porto Alegre: UFRGS.

VIEIRA, V. P. P. B. 2005. Análise de Risco em Recursos Hídricos. Porto Alegre: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos – ABRH.


Tubular Well Design and Construction (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Nomenclature of parts of a tubular well; well geophysics; particularities of a tubular well design; definition of the pumping chamber, depth and diameter; definition of filters, extension, groove and diameter; Drilling diameter; definition of the pre-filter, granulometry and extension, development methods; percussion drilling method; rotary method, drilling fluid; roto-pneumatic method, drains, radiated drains; wells.


Australian Drilling Industry. 1997. Drilling: The Manual of Methods, Applications, and Management, 4° ed. CRC Press, 624p.

GONÇALVES, V.G.; GIAMPÁ, C.E. 2006. Águas Subterrâneas e Poços Tubulares Profundos. Signus Editora Ltda. São Paulo. 502p.

FEITOSA, F. A. C. et. al. (Coords.). 2008. Hidrogeologia: Conceitos e Aplicações. 3ª Ed CPRM, 812p.

SETTI. A. A.; LIMA, J.E.F.W.; CHAVES, A.G.M. 2000. Introdução ao Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos .2ª ed. Brasília: Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica, Superintendência de Estudos e Informações Hidrológicas.

STERRETT, R.J. 2007. Growndwater and Wells, 3 ed., Smyth Co Inc, 812p

FRISCHKNECHT, R.C.; KELLER, G.V. Electrical Methods in geophysics prospecting. 1079. 2.ed. Inglaterra. Oxford Pergamon Press. 517p.

KEAREY, P.; BROOKS, B. M.; HILL, I. 2002. An introduction to geophysical exploration – 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, 272 p.

MENKE, W. 1989. Geophysical data analysis. Discrete inverse theory. (S.I) Ed. Academic Press. 289p.

STEENSMA, G..; KELLET, R. Short course: applications of geophysics in groundwater studies. 2000 Natal: Kpnex Internacional; Geophysics survey of Canada.

MILSOM, J.J.; ERIKSEN, A. 2011. Field geophysics – 4th Ed. John Wiley & Sons, 304 p.

REYNOLDS, J. M. 2011. An introduction to applied and environmental geophysics. 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, 712 p.

RUBIN, Y.; HUBBARD, S. S. (Eds.) 2005. Hydrogeophysics. Springer, Water and Science Technology Library 50, 528 p. 


Quality of Waters (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Conceptualization. Chemical parameters of surface and groundwater, surface and groundwater composition, ionic components and their geochemical mobility, which determine the quality of surface water and groundwater. Expression of concentrations. Transport and contamination of soils and water. Physical factors (climatic, geological, topographic, pedological) that favor water contamination; the processes of transmission of pollutants by percolation in the soil profile. Release of effluents in water bodies. Dilution rate. Supportability. Adequacy of the quality standards the classes of use. Contamination plume mapping techniques. Remediation techniques applied to different types of pollutants. Hydrogeochemical facies. Chemical processes in the hydrogeological context. Relationship between water quality and public health. Waterborne diseases. The main environmental conditions that affect water and health. Aspects of legislation. Influences of the urban environment on water quality and health.


CANALI, G. V.; CORREIA, F. N.; LOBATO, F.; MACHADO, E. S. 2000. Water resources management, Brazilian and European trends and approaches. Porto Alegre: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos – ABRH.

CPRM. Hidrogeologia Conceitos e Aplicações/Coordenadores: Fernando Antônio Carneiro Feitosa, João Manoel Filho (ed.). Fortaleza: CPRM.

GURDAK, J. J. 2008. Ground-water vulnerability: nonpoint-source contamination, climate variability, and the high plains aquifer, Germany: VDM Verlag Publishing, Saarbrucken,

GURDAK, J. J.; MCMAHON, P. B.; BRUCE, B. W. 2011, Vulnerability of groundwater quality to human activity and climate change and variability, High Plains aquifer, USA. In: TREIDEL, H.; MARTIN-BORDES, J. J.; GURDAK, J. J. Climate change effects on groundwater resources: a global synthesis of findings and recommendations, IAH – International Contributions to Hydrogeology, Taylor and Francis publishing,

ILLANGASEKARE, T. H.; MAHUTOVA, K.; BARICH III, J. J. Decision support for natural disasters and intentional threats to water security. London: Springer

MERKEL, B. J.; PLANER-FRIEDRICH, B. Groundwater Geochemistry. A practical Guide to Moddeling of natural and Contaminated Aquatic Systems. Springer, 2002.

PIVELI, R. P.; KATO, M. T. 2005. Qualidade das águas e poluição: aspectos físico-químicos. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental.

ROCHA, J. C.; ROSA, A. H.; CARDOSO, A. A. 2004. Introdução à Química Ambiental. Porto Alegre: Bookman Companhia Editora.

SAETHER, O. M.; CARITAT, P. 1997. Geochemical Processes, Weathering, and Groundwater recharge in Catchments. Geological Survey of Norway. A. A. Balkema.

SILVA, D. D.; PRUSKI, F. F. 2005. Gestão de Recursos Hídricos: aspectos legais, econômicos, administrativos e sociais. Brasília: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos.

SZIKSZAY, M. 1993. Geoquímica das Águas. Boletin IG-USP. Série didática no 5.

TODD, D. K.; MAYS, L. W. 2005. Groundwater Hydrology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

VON SPERLING, M. 2007. Wastewater characteristics, treatment and disposal. biological wastewater treatment series. London: IWA.

VON SPERLING, E. 2009. Introdução à qualidade das águas e ao tratamento de esgotos. Belo Horizonte: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.


Topics of Geosciences (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Composition, structure and natural modifications of the Earth throughout Geological Time. Identification and classification of the natural materials of the lithosphere and part of the ecosphere. Minerals, rocks and notions of lithostratigraphy. Fossils and notions of bio and chronostratigraphy. Notions of Modern Stratigraphy. Notions of geotectonics and plate tectonics. Introduction to Structural Systems (Extensions, Transcurences and Cavalgamentos). Principle of Evolution of the Earth's Landscape and its origins. General Aspects, Notions of Geological and Landscape Cartography.


PRESS, F.; SIEVER, R.; GROTZINGER, J.; JORDAN, T.H. 2008. Para Entender a Terra. Porto Alegre: Bookman.

WICANDER, R.; MONROE, J.S. 2009. Fundamentos de Geologia. São Paulo: CENGAGE Learning

TEIXEIRA, W.; TOLEDO, M. C. M.; FAIRCHILD, D. R.: TAIOLI, F. 2000. Decifrando a Terra. Oficina de Textos. São Paulo.


Topics in Water Resources and Hydrogeology (4 horas, 60 créditos)

Syllabus: Components and interactions of the hydrological cycle. Dynamics of hydrographic basins. Characteristics of the superficial springs and their integration to the underground ones. Study of aquifers: conceptualization, classification and main interactions with the other elements of the water cycle. Equation of the water balance. Vertical distribution of water underground. Systems of recharging of aquifers. Reservoir and water availability.


BRAGA, R.; CARVALHO, P. F. 2003. Recursos Hídricos e Planejamento urbano e Regional. 1ª Ed., São Paulo: LPM-UNESP.

DRISCOLL, F.G. 1986. Groundwater and Wells. Johnson Division. Minnesota. 2a Ed.1073p.

FEITOSA, F. A. C. et. al. (coords). 2008. Hidrogeologia: conceitos e aplicações. 3ª Ed CPRM, 812p.

FETTER, C. W., 2000. Applied Hydrogeology, 4a Ed., Prentice Hall Inc, 598p.

FREEZE, R. A.: CHERRY, J. A. 1979. Groundwater. Prentice Hall, Inc. New Jersey. 604p.

HISCOCK, K. M., 2005. Hydrogeology: principles and practice, 1a Ed., Wiley-Blackwell, 408p.

MACHADO, C. J. S. 2004. Gestão de águas doces. São Paulo: Interciência.

MAGALHÃES Jr., A. P. 2007. Indicadores Ambientais e Recursos Hídricos. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil.

YOSHIDA, C. Y. M. 2007. Recursos Hídricos: aspectos éticos, jurídicos, econômicos e socioambiental. São Paulo: Alinea. Vol. I e II.

TUCCI. C. E. M. 2001. Hidrologia Ciência e Aplicação. Porto Alegre: ABRH – EPUSP.



2. Elective Disciplines


Climatology and Environmental Sciences Topics (2 horas, 30 créditos)

Syllabus: Definitions of weather, climatology, weather and climate. Historical Aspects. Composition and division of the atmosphere. Properties of the atmosphere. Elements of meteorology. Concept of stability / instability, air masses, fronts and frontal surfaces. Thermal interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere. Interactions between terrestrial, atmospheric, aquatic, biological and anthropological systems. Climate change and extreme events.


BURROUGHS, W. J. 2002. Climate Change: a Multidisciplinary Approach. John Wiley & Sons.

BOTKIN, D. B. & KELLER, E. A. 2004. Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet. John Wiley & Sons.

HOUGHTON, J. T. 2002. Global Warming: the complete briefing. John Wiley & Sons.

LIBES, S. M. 2008. An introduction to marine biogeochemistry. Wiley & Sons, New York.

TUCCI, C. E. M. & BRAGA, B. 2003. Clima e recursos Hídricos no Brasil. Porto Alegre: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos – ABRH.


Hydrogeological Cartography (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Elements of geological mapping. Geometric and kinematic structural analysis and applications to hydrogeological problems. Structural control of circulation and recharge in hydrogeological systems. Interpretation of hydrogeological profiles and generation of cartography. Development of digital maps. Scales and elements of hydrogeological maps. Types of maps. Cartographic interpretation. Cartography of the distribution of groundwater in Brazil and in the world.


ARAÚJO, Paulo Pontes. 1976. Mapa hidrogeológico do Pará, escala 1:2.500.000. Belém: CPRM, 40p.

ANON. 1970. International legend for hydrogeological maps. London: UNESCO; IAHS; Inst. Geol. Sci. 101 p.

ANON. 1983.51. International legend for hydrogeological maps. Paris: UNESCO, p. (UNESCO Technical Document, SC-84/WS/7)

BRASIL. 1983. Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral. Mapa Hidrogeológico do Brasil 1:5.000.000. Brasília: DNPM; CPRM.

ENGELEN, G.B.; JONES, G.F. Developments in the analysis of groundwater flow systems. São Paulo: IAHS, 1986. 356 p.

MENTE, A. 1997. Cartografia hidrogeológica - classificação e utilização de mapas hidrogeológicos. Hidrogeologia - Conceitos e Aplicações. Fortaleza, 1997. CPRM, cap. 8, p. 175-182.

NICOLAS. A. 1987. Principles of Rock Deformation. D. Reidel Publ. Company.

PASSCHIER, C. W. & TROUW, R. A. J. 2005. Microtectonics. Second Edition. Springer.

RAMSAY, J.G. & HUBER. 1983. The Techniques of Modern Structural Geology. Academic Press Inc. London.

SIBSON. R. H. Fault rocks and fault mechanisms. J.Geol. Soc. London. v.133, p. 191 -214. 1977.

STRUCKMEIER, W.F. & MARGAT, J. 1995. Hydrogeological maps: a guide and a standard legend. Hannover, 1995. IAH/IAHS/IHP, v.17.

TWISS, R.J. & MOORES, E. M. 2007. Structural Geology. Second Edition. H. Freeman and Company. New York.

UNESCO. 1983. International legend for hydrogeological maps. Paris, 1983.  IAH/IAHS/UNESCO.


Management of Hydroenergetic Information in Water Supply (02 Credit Units, 30 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Information management for the rational use of water and electricity in the water supply system. Stages of the Information Cycle. Government Information Bases related to water supply. Attributes of Information. Evaluation and analysis of information quality. Performance indicators. Hydroenergetic information for the regulation and social control of the provision of services.


BRASIL. Lei n. 11.445, de 5 de janeiro de 2007. Avaliable at:<>. Accessed: 29 jun. 2011.

BRASIL. Decreto n. 7.217, de 21 de junho de 2010.Avaliable at:< >.  Accessed: 29 jun. 2011.

CALAZANS, A.T.S. 2008. Qualidade da informação: conceitos e aplicações. TransInformação, Campinas, v. 20, n. 1, p. 29-45, jan./abr.

CONDURÚ, M. 2000. Ciclo de comunicação e transferência de informação na área de meio ambiente. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Informação) – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, Rio de Janeiro.

CONDURÚ, M.T.; PEREIRA, J.A.R. Informação estratégica para a gestão hidroenergética de sistemas de abastecimento de água. In: GOMES, H.P. (Org.). Sistema de Saneamento: eficiência energética. 2010. João Pessoa: EdUFPB, p. 111-122. Avaliable at: <>. Accessed: 15 jan. 2011.

MORESI, E.A.D. 2001. Gestão da informação e do conhecimento. Brasília: Ed. UnB.

PEREIRA, J.A.R.; CONDURÚ, M.T. 2013. Abastecimento de água: informação para a eficiência hidroenergética. João Pessoa: UFPB, 153 p. No prelo.

ROBREDO, J. 2006. Redes de informação e de gestão do conhecimento: modelagem e estrutura de informações. In: TARAPANOFF, K. (Org.). Inteligência, informação e conhecimento. Brasília: UNESCO, IBICT, p. 303 – 335.

SILVA, A.M. A informação: da compreensão do fenómeno e construção do objeto científico. Porto: Afrontamento, 2006.

SILVA, S.L. 2004. Gestão do conhecimento: uma revisão crítica orientada pela abordagem da criação do conhecimento. Ciência da Informação, Brasília, v. 33, n. 2, p. 143-151. Avaliable at: <>. Accessed: 1 nov. 2007.

VALENTIM, M.L.P. 2002. Inteligência competitiva em organizações: dado, informação e conhecimento. DataGramaZero, Rio de Janeiro, v. 3, n. 4, artigo 2. Avaliable at: <>. Accessed: 15 set. 2007.


River, Coastal and Estuarine Geomorphology (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: River basins and their interrelations. Fluvial geomorphology. Erosion, sediment transport and deposition processes. Hydro-sedimentology. Evolution of the landscape of river systems. Hydrographic and hydrogeological regions. Drainage systems. Analysis of the influence of these factors on the flows. Coastal system. Dynamics of tidal waves and sea level variation. Physiographic characteristics and compartmentalization of the Brazilian coast. Erosion and coastal progress. Estuarine system. Physical Processes in estuaries. Classification of estuarine systems. Sedimentary processes in estuaries. Zoning and coastal management.


GUERRA, A. J. T.; CUNHA, S. B. 2000. Geomorfologia e Meio Ambiente. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Bertrand do Brasil.

MIRANDA, L. B.; CASTRO, B. M.; KJERFVE, B. 2002. Princípios de oceanografia física de estuários. São Paulo: EDUSP.

TEIXEIRA, W.: TOLEDO, M. C. M. de: FAIRCHILD, T. R.; TAIOLI, F. D. Decifrando a Terra. São Paulo, SP: Oficina de Textos, 2001.

THOMAS, D. S. G.; GOUDIE, A. 2000, The Dictionary of Physical Geography. Blackwell.


Geotechnology Applied to Water Resources (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Concepts and techniques of geotechnology aimed at its use as a tool to support decision making for hydro-environmental management purposes. Concepts of Basic Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Data format, Data Entry. Functions of GIS. Mapping and environmental analysis. Remote sensing: principles, types of sensors and applications Data collection platform: categories and applications in hydrology, hydrometeorology and hydrogeology. Application of hydrological, hydro-meteorological and hydrogeological models to the Information Systems of Water Resources. Computational Methods in Water Resources.


BLASCHKE, T.; KUX, H. 2005. Sensoriamento Remoto e SIG: novos sistemas sensores: métodos inovadores. São Paulo: Oficina de Textos.

FLORENZANO, T. G. 2002. Imagens de satélite para estudos ambientais. São Paulo. Oficina de Textos, 97p.

JENSEN, J. R. 2009. Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

MAGALHÃES Jr., A. P. 2007. Indicadores Ambientais e Recursos Hídricos. 1ª Ed.,Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil.

NOVO, E. M. L. M. 2008. Sensoriamento Remoto: Princípios e Aplicações Richards, J.A. Remote Sensing Digital ImageAnalysis. An Introduction Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg.


Water and Environmental Management (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Evaluation of environmental impacts: conceptual bases in the forecast of impact. Basic studies and environmental diagnosis: physical environment, biotic environment and anthropic environment. Brazilian legal and institutional framework for impact assessment and environmental licensing. Environmental assessment - qualitative and quantitative methods. Measures to mitigate the environmental impacts of projects for the exploitation of water resources. Corrective and preventive control of water pollution. Programs to monitor and monitor the environmental impacts of water resource development projects. Water resources plans and Ecological-economic zoning. 


BRAGA, B. et al. 2002. Introdução à Engenharia Ambiental. São Paulo: Prentice Hall,

CUNHA, S.B.; GUERRA, A. J. B. T. 2002. Avaliação e perícia ambiental Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil.

PAIVA, J. B. D. et al. 2004. Monitoramento de bacias hidrográficas e processamento de dados - vol. 1. RIMA Editora.

SÁNCHEZ, L. E. 2006. Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental: Conceitos e Métodos. Oficina de Textos, São Paulo.

SILVA, A. M. et al. 2003. Erosão e Hidrossedimentologia em Bacias Hidrográficas. Rima.


Underground Capture Hydraulics (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Conceptualization of aquifer tests and production test, analysis and interpretation of aquifer tests: confined aquifer, semi-confined and free, transient and stationary; Analysis and interpretation of production tests, characteristic equation of the well, definition of the production flow of a tubular well; Hydraulic Boundary Efficiency, Hydraulic Frontiers - Image Theory.


FEITOSA, F. A. C. et. al. (Coords) 2008. Hidrogeologia - Conceitos e Aplicações. 3ª Ed CPRM, 812p.

Batu, V., 1998, Aquifer Hydraulics: A Comprehensive Guide to Hydrogeologic Data Analysis, Wiley-Interscience, 752p.

KRUSEMAN, G.P.; De RIDDER, N.A. 1990. Analysis and Evaluation of Pumping Test Data, 2a ed. Intl Inst for Land Reclamation, 377p.


Quantitative Hydrogeology (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Methods for interpretation and use of hydrological data. Techniques for inference of the characteristics of a population, by the information contained in a sample of hydrological data. Probabilistic models. Adjustment of these models. Hypothesis testing. Transfer of information by regression.


SHAEFER, S. J.; THEODORE, L. 2007. Probability and Statistics Applications for Environmental Science. New York: CRC Press.

SHAW, P. J. A. 2009. Multivariate Statistics for the Environmental Sciences. England: John Willey & Sons.

STEPHENS, L. J. 2009. Estatística. Porto Alegre: Artmed.

TRIOLA, M. F. 2009. Introdução à Estatística. Rio de janeiro: Livros Técnicos e Científicos.


Limnologia, Biota e Recursos Hídricos (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Introduction to limnology. Distinction between abiotic and biotic factors. Physical and chemical properties of limnic bodies. Distribution of light and heat. Solids dissolved. Liminal cycle of macro and microenvironments. Gases dissolved. Dynamics of dissolved oxygen. Bicarbonate system, pH, hardness, acidity and alkalinity of the limnic waters. Dissolved and particulate organic matter. Limnic basins. Origin and morphometry. Origin and nature of the limb biota. Communities. Ecological niches. Flow of energy in ecosystems. Lotic and lentic environments.


ALLEY, E. R. 2007. Water quality control handbook. McGraw-Hill.

BICUDO, C. E. M. & BICUDO, D. C. 2007. Amostragem em Limnologia. Editora RIMA.

BRIGANTE, J. 2003. Limnologia Fluvial. Editora RIMA.

TUNDISI, J. G.; TUNDISI, T. M. 2008. Limnologia. Editora Oficina de Textos.


Scientific research methodology (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus:  Research as a mechanism for the production of innovation. Ethical Aspects of Research. Planning the research project. Types of research. Types of approaches. Data collect. Organization and interpretation of data. Structure of scientific work. The technical norms for academic work.


ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 10520: informação e documentação: apresentação de citações em documentos. 2002. Rio de Janeiro.

ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 6023: informação e documentação: elaboração de referências. 2002. Rio de Janeiro.

ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 14724: informação e documentação: apresentação de trabalhos acadêmicos. 2011. Rio de Janeiro.

ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 6028: informação e documentação: apresentação de resumo. 2003. Rio de Janeiro.

BERVIAN, P. A.; CERVO, A. L. 2006. Metodologia científica. São Paulo: Pearson Education do Brasil.

FEITOSA, Vera C. 1995. Redação de Textos Científicos. Campinas: Papirus Editora.

LAKATOS, E. M.; MARCONI, M. A. 1992.Metodologia do trabalho científico: procedimentos básicos. 4.ed. São Paulo: Atlas.

MARCONI, M. A.; LAKATOS, E. M. 2003. Fundamentos de Metodologia Científica. 5ª ed. São Paulo: Atlas

MEDEIROS, J. B. 1996.Redação científica. 2ed. São Paulo: Atlas.

MARCONI, M. A.; LAKATOS, E. M. Técnicas de pesquisa: planejamento e execução de pesquisas. 4.ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1990.

RODRIGUES, A. J. 2006. Metodologia Científica. São Paulo: Avercamp.

SEVERINO, A. J. Metodologia do trabalho científico. São Paulo: Cortez, 1996.


Numerical Flow and Transport Models (45 Credit Units, 3 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Conceptualization of models, analog models, conceptual model, differential equation of the underground flow, numerical methods, finite differences and finite elements, boundary conditions, iterative methods, implicit approximation, differential equation of mass transport, molecular diffusion, dispersion, specific software.


ANDERSON, M.P.; WOESSNER, W.W. 1991. Applied Groundwater Modeling: Simulation and Advective Transport, Academic Press, 381p.

BEAR, J.; CHENG, D.; CHENG, A.H. 2010, Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport (Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media), Springer, 856p´.

FEITOSA, F. A. C. et. Al. (Coords) 2008, Hidrogeologia: Conceitos e Aplicações. 3ª Ed CPRM, 812p.

WANG, H.F.; ANDERSON, M.P. 1995, Introduction to groundwater modeling: Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods, Academic Press, 237 p.

ZHENG, C.; BENNETT, G.D. 2002, Applied Contaminant Transport Modeling, 2 ed., Wiley-Interscience, 621p.


Planning and Management of Basic Sanitation Systems (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Sanitation, Environment and Health. Basic Sanitation Systems and Water Resources. Legal and institutional evolution of the provision of water supply, sewage, solid waste and urban drainage services. Stages and Activities of the Elaboration of Municipal Plans of Basic Sanitation. Operational management and sustainability of the provision of basic sanitation services.


BRASIL. Lei n. 11.445, de 5 de janeiro de 2007. Avaliable at:<>. Accessed: 29 jun. 2011.

BRASIL. Decreto n. 7.217, de 21 de junho de 2010. Avaliable at: < >.  Accessed: 29 jun. 2011.

DROSTE, R.L. Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment. 1997. New York, EUA: J. Wiley & Sons, 800 p.

METCALF & EDDY. 1985. Ingenería Sanitaria: redes de alcantarillado y bombeo de aguas residuales. Barcelona, ES: Labor, 446 p.

METCALF & EDDY. 1985. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal and Reuse.  Nova York, EUA: McGraw Hill, 1334 p.

MUÑOZ, A.H. Saneamiento y Alcantarillado – Vertidos Residuales. 1997. 5 ed. Madri, ES: Ed. Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, 889 p. (Colección Seinor, n. 7).

PEREIRA, J. A. R. 2003. coordenação. Saneamento Ambiental em Áreas Urbanas. Ed. NUMA/EDUFPA. 205p

TUCCI, C.E.M; MARQUES, D.M.L.M. 2000. Avaliação e Controle da Drenagem Urbana. Porto Alegre – RS: Ed. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 558 p. 


Techniques Applied to the Lease of Works of Capture of Underground Waters (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Types of techniques and methodological procedures for the definition of areas more favorable to the occurrence of groundwater: surface geophysical methods: aquifer mapping and the freshwater / saltwater interface; relationship between hydraulic characteristics and measurements, detection of contamination of aquifers; isotopic and remote sensing. Interpretation of data from the isolated or integrated application of these methods. Database and GIS in the research and exploitation of groundwater.


ANNAN, A.P. 1992. Ground penetrating radar workshop notes. Sensor software Inc.

CPRM. 2008. Hidrogeologia Conceitos e Aplicações/Coordenadores: Fernando Antônio Carneiro Feitosa, João Manoel Filho (ed.). Fortaleza: CPRM,


FRISCHKNECHT, R.C.; KELLER, G.V. 1979. Electrical Methods in geophysics prospecting. 2.ed. Inglaterra. Oxford Pergamon Press. 517p.

KEAREY, P.; BROOKS, B. M. & HILL, I. 2002. An introduction to geophysical exploration – 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, 272 p.

MENKE, W. Geophysical data analysis. Discrete inverse theory. (S.I) Ed. Academic Press. 1989. 289p.

STEENSMA, G..; KELLET, R. 2000. Short course: applications of geophysics in groundwater studies. Natal: Kpnex Internacional; Geophysics survey of Canada.

MILSOM, J.J.;  ERIKSEN, A. 2011. Field geophysics – 4th Ed. John Wiley & Sons, 304 p.

REYNOLDS, J. M. 2011 – 2nd Ed. an introduction to applied and environmental geophysics. John Wiley & Sons, 712 p.

RUBIN, Y.; HUBBARD, S. S. (Eds.) 2005. Hydrogeophysics. Springer, Water and Science Technology Library 50, 528 p.

WALTON, W.C. 1970. Groundwater resource evaluation. Tóquio. McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, 664p.


Pollution Vulnerability of Aquifers (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Study of vulnerability to aquifer pollution: vulnerability conceptualization, practical limitations, classification scheme and vulnerability index. Mechanisms of contamination of aquifers. Natural defenses against contaminants. Quantification of contamination and protection processes. Criteria for the delimitation of protection zones. Means used for previous studies. Methods used for the design of protection zones. Fundamental concepts of risk of contamination. Notions on the structural basis for risk assessment. Implementation of recognition projects.


AHMED, A. A. 2009. Using generic and pesticide DRASTIC GIS based models for vulnerability assessment of the Quaternary aquifer at Sohag. Egypt. Hydrogeol Journal, v.17, p. 1203-1217.

AL-ADAMAT, R. A. N.; FOSTER, I. D. L.; BABAN, S. M. J. 2003. Groundwater vulnerability and risk mapping for Basaltic aquifer of the Azraq basin of Jordan using GIS, remote sensing and DRASTIC. Appl Geogr v.23, p. 303-324.

AL-ZABET, T. 2002. Evaluation of aquifer vulnerability to contamination potencial using the DRASTIC method. Env Geol v. 43, p.203-208.

ARAÚJO, Paulo Pontes. 2011. Vulnerabilidade dos aquíferos à poluição por nitrato em plantio de citros na Amazônia oriental – Pará, Brasil. 62f. Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, Agroecossistemas da Amazônia, 175p.

ARTUSO, E.; OLIVEIRA, M. M.; LOBO-FERREIRA, J. P. C. 2002. Assessment of groundwater Vulnerability to Pollution Using Six different Methods: AVI, GOD, DRASTIC, SI, EPPNA  and SINTACS – Application to the Évora aquifer, Lisboa, PORTUGAL,  77 p. (Relatório GIAS/DH, 184/02).

FOSTER, S.; HIRATA, R. 1987. Fundamental Concepts in Aquifer Vulnerability, Pollution Risk and Protection Strategy. In: VAN DUIJVANBOODEN, W.; VAN WAEGENINGH, H.G. (Ed). Vulnerability of soil and groundwater to pollutions. The Hague: Committee on Hydrological Research, p. 69-86.

FOSTER S. et al. 2002. Groundwater quality protection: a guide for water service companies, municipal authorities and environmental agencies. Washington: World Bank Group, 105p.

FRANCES A.; PARALTA E.; FERNANDES J.; E RIBEIRO L. 2001. Development and Application in the Alentejo Region of a Method to Assess the Vulnerability of Groundwater to Diffuse Agriculture Pollution: the Susceptibility Index. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE GROUNDWATER RESOUCES AT RISK. 3., 2001, Lisboa. Anais…. Lisboa: Centro de Georecursos do IST.

GOLDSCHEIDER, N.; KLUTE, M.; STURM, S.; HORTZL, H. 2000. The PI method: a GIS-based approach to mapping groundwater vulnerability with special consideration of karst aquifer. Z Angew Geol., v. 46, n. 3, p.157-166.

HEALEY, R. W.; COOK, P. G. 2002. Using groundwater levels to estimate recharge. Hidrogeology Journal, v.10, v.1, p. 915-109.

HIRATA, R.; BERTOLO, R. 2002. Groundwater vulnerability in different climatic zones. In: Enciclopedia of Life Support Systems. Paris, London: UNESCO/EOLSS.

HRKAL, Z. 2001. Vulnerability of groundwater to acid deposition, Jizerske Mountains northern Czech republic: construction and reliability of a GIS-based vulnerability map. Hydrogeol Journal, v. 9, p. 348-357.

JAMRAH, A.; FUTAISI, A. A.; RAJMOHAN, N.; AL-YAROUBI, S. 2007. Assessment of groundwater vulnerability in the coastal region of Oman using DRASTIC index method in GIS environment. Environment Assess.

LAKE, I. R.; LOVETT, A. A.; HISCOCK, K. M. 2003. Avaliation factors influencing groundwater vulnerability to nitrate pollution: developing the potential of GIS. J Environ Manage, v. 68, p. 315-328.

MARGAT, J. 1968. Vulnérabilité des nappes d´eau souterraine à la poluittion [Groundwater vulnerability to contamination]. Orléans, France: HYD, BRGM,   (Bases de al  cartografhie, 68).

MENDOZA, J. A.; BARMEN, G. 2006. Assessment of groundwater vulnerability in the Rio Artiguas basin, Nicaragua. Env Geol., v. 50, p. 569-580.

NBR 7181. 1984. Solo: análise granulométrica: método de ensaios. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. Publicação Rio de Janeiro: ABNT. 13 p.

OLIVEIRA, M. M.; LOBO-FERREIRA, J. P. C. 2003. Análise de Sensibilidade da Aplicação de Métodos Indexados de Avaliação da Vulnerabilidade à poluição de Águas Subterrâneas. Comunicação apresentada às jornadas Luso-Espanholas sobre Águas Subterrâneas no sul da Península Ibérica, 10 p.

PANAGOPOULOS, G. P.; ANTONAKOS, A. K.; LAMBRAKIS, N. J. 2006. Optimization of the DRASTIC method for groundwater vulnerability. Hydrogeology Journal v. 14, p.894-911.

PARALTA, E. A.; FRANCÉS, A. P.; SARMENTO, P. A. 2003. Caracterização hidrogeológica e avaliação da vulnerabilidade à poluição agrícola do aquífero mio-pliocénico da região de Canhestros (Alentejo). In: CONGRESSO DA ÁGUA. 6. 2003. Anais... Lisboa.

PORTUGAL. Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil – LNEC. Departamento de Hidráulica. Grupo de Investigação de Águas Subterrâneas. 2002. Relatório de cartografia da vulnerabilidade à poluição das águas subterrâneas do Conselho de Montemor-O-Novo utilizando o método DRASTIC. Lisboa, 53 p.

RAHMAN, A. A. 2008. GIS based DRASTIC model for assessing groundwater vulnerability in shallow aquifer in Aligarh, India. Appl Geogr., v. 28, p.32-53.

RUPERT, M. G. 2001. Calibration of the DRASTIC ground water vulnerability mapping method. Ground Water, v. 39, n.4, p. 625-630.

SENER, E.; SENER, S.; DAVRAZ, A. 2009. Assessment of aquifer vulnerability based on GIS and DRASTIC methods: a case study of the Senirkent-Uluborlu Basin (Isparta, Turkey). Hydrogeology Journal, v. 17, n. 8, p. 2023-2035.

TRIRUMALAIVASAN, D.; KARMEGAM, M.; VENUGOPAL, K. 2003. AHP-DRASTIC: software for specific aquifer vulnerability assessment using DRASTIC model and GIS. Environ Model Softw., v. 18, p. 645-656.

VIAS, J.M.; ANDREO, B.; PERLES, M.J.; CARRASCO, F.; VADILLO, I.; JIMENEZ, P. 2006. Proposed method for groundwater vulnerability mapping in carbonate (karstic) aquifers: the COP method. Application in two pilot sites in southern Spain. Hydrogeology Journal, v. 14, p. 912-925.

VRBA, J.; ZOPOREZEC, A. 1994. Guidebook on mapping groundwater vulnerability. Verlag Hannover, Germany: Heinz Heise, 131p. (International Contributions to Hydrogeology, 16).

WANG, Y.; MERKEL, B.; LI, Y.; YE, H.; FU, S.; IHM, D. 2007. Vulnerability of groundwater in Quaternary aquifers to organic contaminations: a case study in Wuhan City, China. Env. Geol., v. 53, p. 479-484.


3. Special Courses on Water Resources


Special Courses I (2 Credit Units, 30 Credit Hours)

Special Courses II (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)